Nächste Termine

26 Okt
Datum Sa - So
8 Dez
21 Dez
Datum Sa - Mo

Report on the ENGLISH DAY 2013

On March 6th, the pupils attending the 4th form, took part in our third “English Day”. Their regular timetable was changed, and English was
spoken all the morning in various subjects.
In the sports lesson they tested a game called “soft ball” with simplified baseball rules. The kids had fun and they always tried to cheer their  teams on in English.


In Geography the pupils “travelled” through the eight different regions of the USA and learned about their historical, cultural and meteorological characteristics.
The topic of the Biology lesson was “The five senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste”. Many new English words were needed in order to explain the function of the sensory organs shown by models and drawings.

The highlight of our English Day this year was once again the performance of the“Vienna English Theatre”. Four actors performed the play “Around the world in eighty days”: Mr Fogg, a rich English gentleman, bets two friends that he is able to go around the world in eighty days. On their journey Mr Fogg and his butler Passepartout come through many countries, meeting people of different cultures and having lots of adventures.
We had the impression that all of the 180 pupils in the hall enjoyed the funny performance, as all the actors, especially Passepartout, played
really excellently. Some of our pupils were integrated in the play dressed up as Indians or circus artists and convinced us with their sensational juggling skills.

Our pupils want the English Day to take place and the “Vienna English Theatre” to come again next year.

E4/I: Shortened comments on the English Day

< cool and enjoyable performance>,<friendly and funny actors>, <talking English was great>, <an English Day – a great idea>, <softball instructions in English are great fun>,<many new words>,<more games and less information in Biology and Geography>,<a nice day for a change>,<all in all a brilliant day, should be repeated>

The English Teachers of HS - Ostermiething

pictures of the ENGLISH DAY 2013

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