Nächste Termine

26 Okt
Datum Sa - So
8 Dez
21 Dez
Datum Sa - Mo

Report on the ENGLISH DAY 2017

On March 23rd, the pupils attending the 4th form, took part in our seventh “English Day”. Their regular timetable was changed, and English was spoken all the morning in various subjects.

In the sports lesson they tested a game called “soft ball” with simplified baseball rules. The kids had fun and they always tried to cheer their  teams on in English.

In Geography  Mrs. Frauscher showed the children photos of her trip to Australia and told them some stories and interesting facts about this fascinating continent.

The life of Native Americans was the topic of Mrs. Enhuber in the History lesson. In a film a Sioux Indian travelled through North America and explained how Indians lived before the white people took away their land. How to send messages in sign language was interesting for the pupils, either.

In “Global Learning” Mrs. Fischer focused on the topic “ressources on earth” by presenting an apple experiment and finding out ideas how to contribute to more fairness in trade and how to supply the world population with water, food and all they need to survive and have a good standard of living.      

The highlight of our English Day this year was once again the performance of the “Vienna English Theatre”. Four actors
performed the play “Rob and the Hoodies”, based on Robin Hood who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. The focus of the play,
however, is on  bullying and being a victim of a street gang called the Hoodies. There is a happy ending after all and the good wins.

All the  pupils in the hall enjoyed the  performance and all the actors played really excellently. Our pupils want the English Day to take place and the “Vienna English Theatre” to come again next year.

The English teachers of the 4th form

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